Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another 5.0 miler, with CL and TC, just like yesterday. Felt a little achey today but not as lethargic and sore as yesterday. CL says "43:11 - 5 mi, 8:38 miles". Compare that to yesterday, where, for the same route, he "had us at 45:19 for 5 mi".

Recovery is good.


courtney said...

i don't understand, what is "8:38 miles" you did?

Jennifer said...

8:38 minutes per mile.

tentrillion said...

Jennifer nailed it.

If you're interested, my slow Monday time of 45:18 time for 5 miles works out to 9:04 per mile. Means on Tuesday I ran about 26 seconds per mile faster than on Monday.

Usain Bolt's pace in the 100m sprint works out to about 2:36 per mile.