Sunday, August 10, 2008

Long swim today but not nearly long enough. 70 complete laps in 1:14:10. Projecting this out, I'm looking at a time of basically a 1:30:00 time on race day. However, given the waves, hoards of people, lack of walls, I'm looking at a time much higher than 1:30:00.

I'm not sure what my swimming strategy should be. In the pool, I think I can march down each full lap consistently in a minute, but I'm not sure whether I should be trying to really push it in the beginning and then fall off in the middle to store energy for the final push.

Today, I sprinted in the beginning, ran out of breath by 0.5 miles and then fell off until I hit about 1.5miles, at which point I regained my normal pace of one full lap per minute. I felt totally winded at the outset, but maybe this is not a good approach. Thoughts?


Jennifer said...

You should think like the guy in Gattaca. He doesn't save any energy for the way back. Oh wait, maybe it's irrelevant. The comment is related to swimming, though. I think.

tentrillion said...

Be a tortoise not a hare...slow and steady wins the race!