Thursday, September 11, 2008

I was supposed to meet TC at 7:30am to run ~7 or 8 mi with him this morning, but I didn't wake up until 7:33. Oops, I'm late! I rushed out the door and threw on my jogging clothes, in frantically trying to to find TC before he gave up on me...but when I sprinted into our meetup point, he wasn't there--he must've already left.

A little frustrated with myself for the snafu, but still determined to get in some miles, I continued out to the River St. bridge. But after mile 4, I began to realize that I hadn't attended to all the business that I usually attend to in the mornings before running. That realization became a very pressing urge in no time. I slowed to a walk, just to avoid jostling things around in there too much. Eventually I had to make a detour back over the Mass. Ave. bridge and ducked into campus to attend to the aforementioned business. After that, I just jogged home. Still was about 7 miles total, with maybe 5 or so of consistent jogging.

The best part is, when I saw TC later in the day, it turns out he'd sent me a text messaging bailing out of our running plans late last night. So it turns out I'd rushed myself into this, um, crappy situation for no good reason after all....

1 comment:

dunkhippo33 said...

uh huh. that's great.