Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The standard 5.0 mile loop with CL. Was still a bit tired from Monday's 10.8 miler, so I was a step or two slower than usual.

I'd read that the Vibram Five Finger shoe fosters a better footstrike -- more towards the front of the foot. This is supposedly a big benefit. Rather than shell out for my own pair, on Monday I'd consciously shifted my strike a tad forward in the same old shoes I'd always had. It made my calves sore. It felt kinda interesting, but not faster or obviously better -- not sure if I'll keep it up. Maybe its one of those tips that matters only to those speedy folks who run (as opposed to the jogging and trotting at 8:30+/mi that I do).

1 comment:

tentrillion said...

Trusty timekeeper and partner CL reports that this run was 43:29 total time, 8:42 pace.